It took the judges two ballots to ultimately determine a winner after carefully analyzing the team presenter’s ability to make a coherent, well thought-out, clear presentation on the design/construction approaches within the project’s objectives while being fully responsive to the competition package elements in the challenge/RFP. The judging was based on two major elements: quality of presentation and competence of the overall entry. The winning entry exhibited an extraordinary versatility and responsiveness to the criteria of the challenge, while remaining within the limits of constructability and budget. The CIRT National Design & Construction Competition is a collaborative effort with the ACE Mentor Program of America and the Chicago Architecture Foundation. This year experienced not only a record number of entries but also the highest number of ACE Affiliates represented with a total of 481 students and 297 mentors and professionals participating. The competition was live-streamed for the first-time ever and can be viewed on CIRT’s Facebook page at: For more information about CIRT or the National Design Competition, please contact Jane Bonvillain at 202-466-6777; or visit |