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CIRT Sentiment Index Report

CIRT and FMI hosted a webinar on Thursday, September 21, 2023 focusing on the key findings and issues from CIRT’s 3Q CIRT Sentiment Index Report, and how the results fit into broader economic/market analysis and trends.  You can watch the recorded webinar HERE.  A passcode is needed: "3XL&.TKp"  (copy & paste the characters within the quotes, which are not part of the passcode.)

The CIRT Sentiment Index seeks to provide timely, authoritative, and forward-looking insights into complex design and construction markets as well as a view on the direction of the overall U.S. economy.   In addition, each quarter includes topical issues of importance to the A/E/C community to provide input and to give a voice to CIRT’s members on matters of interest.

 CIRT Sentiment Report   Overall Index  Design Index
 4th Quarter -JUST RELEASED64.1 UP!71.5 UP!
 3rd Quarter 62.6 DOWN 66.3 DOWN
 2nd Quarter
 67.0 UP!  71.1 DOWN
1st Quarter
 64.9 UP!
 74.3 UP!
 4th Quarter
58.9 DOWN 62.7 DOWN
3rd Quarter  59.7 UP! 68.5 No Change
2nd Quarter  52.8 DOWN 68.5 UP!
1st Quarter  53.3 UP! 66.8 UP!
4th Quarter  51.0 DOWN 57.1 DOWN
3rd Quarter  51.4 DOWN 59.4 DOWN
2nd Quarter   64.1 DOWN 76.0 DOWN
1st Quarter 73.2 DOWN 81.5 DOWN

 4th Quarter   74.9 DOWN  83.4 DOWN
 3rd Quarter   79.7 UP!  86.8 UP!
 2nd Quarter  79.1 UP!  83.9 UP!
 1st Quarter  55.0 UP!  64.8 No Change
 4th Quarter  54.2 UP!  64.8 UP!
3rd Quarter   52.1 UP!  49.3 UP!
2nd Quarter   21.6 DOWN  39.8 DOWN
1st Quarter  63.6 UP!  62.7 UP!
4th Quarter   57.6 DOWN  60.9 DOWN
 3rd Quarter  64.9 DOWN  63.2 DOWN
 2nd Quarter   65.0 UP!  70.1 DOWN
 1st Quarter    64.8 DOWN  70.8 DOWN
 4th Quarter   66.3 DOWN  73.4 UP!
 3rd Quarter    70.7 DOWN  73.0 DOWN
 2nd Quarter 
 74.9 DOWN  78.3 DOWN
 1st Quarter   76.8 UP!  85.4 UP!
 4th Quarter  54.8 DOWN  56.5 DOWN
 3rd Quarter  57.1 DOWN  65.7 UP!
 2nd Quarter  62.4 DOWN  64.5 DOWN
 1st Quarter  62.7 UP!  66.8 UP!
4th Quarter   50.4 DOWN  49.6 DOWN
3rd Quarter   51.8 DOWN  58.4 DOWN
2nd Quarter   54.7 UP!  56.9 DOWN
1st Quarter   53.8 DOWN  61.3 UP!
4th Quarter  57.6 DOWN!  62.0 DOWN!
3rd Quarter   58.5 DOWN!  65.1 UP!
2nd Quarter   59.0 DOWN!  60.8 DOWN!
1st Quarter   62.2 UP!  62.6 UP!

4th Quarter  60.9 DOWN  61.4 DOWN
3rd Quarter  64.3 DOWN  65.0 DOWN
2nd Quarter  65.6 UP!  64.4 DOWN
1st Quarter   63.9 UP!  65.9 UP!
4th Quarter   60.2 DOWN  62.1 DOWN
3rd Quarter   63.3 UP!  67.5 UP!
2nd Quarter   61.9 UP!  65.4 UP!
1st Quarter    59.1 UP!

 57.4 UP!

4th Quarter    59.0 UP!   56.3 DOWN

3rd Quarter

  57.0 DOWN   56.5 DOWN

2nd Quarter

  59.7 DOWN    61.1 UP!

1st Quarter

  59.8 UP!    59.8 UP!

4th Quarter 

 51.2 DOWN  55.0 UP!
3rd Quarter
 52.9 DOWN  59.3 UP!
2nd Quarter  59.1 UP!  57.5 UP!
1st Quarter
 56.9 UP!  55.2
4th Quarter
  51.6 DOWN  
3rd Quarter   53.9 DOWN
2nd Quarter   57.8  
1st Quarter   55.0  
4th Quarter  48.2  
3rd Quarter  50.1  
2nd Quarter
1st Quarter  39.1  

A CIRT exclusive webinar held on Thursday, May 20, 2021, Jay Bowman, managing director of research & analytics, and Ron Magnus and CIRT President, Mark Casso, facilitated a group discussion and explored CIRT data and provided a broader picture of economic, financial and industry dynamics that are shaping today’s E&C environment that may be prime for future quarterly Sentiment Index reports.  WATCH THE WEBINAR HERE.

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