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  • Mon, December 05, 2022 11:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 4thQtr./2022 CIRT Sentiment Index Report (just released), indicates that the members general sense of the industry and overall economy is stuck in limbo with an index reading very near 50 (which is neutral). The most recent results were down slightly but remain mostly consistent with last quarter’s results. The overall index score fell to 51.0 from 51.4, and the Design Index fell to 57.1 from 59.4. This report represents the fifth consecutive quarterly decline from third quarter 2021.

    In addition to the overall sentiment factors and level, the Report also covered current trend issues including: questions focused on backlog sensitivity, reasons for and areas of project disruptions, as well as business growth trends and challenges.

    For details SEE, CIRT Sentiment Index Report, 4thQ/2022.

  • Mon, September 19, 2022 12:26 PM | Anonymous

    Today, CIRT announced the three challenges or options to choose from for submittals to the 2023 National Design + Construction Competition, that is in its seventeenth year in conjunction with ACE Mentor Program of America.  [Link to online competition information: www.cirt.org/competition

    This year’s challenges include: (1) School of the Future; (2) City Park/Open Space; and (3) Humanitarian Center or Facility.  All entries must be submitted through the online CIRT competition portal with registration materials by the end of March 15, 2023.

    For updates and/or assistance contact:

    Jenni Mushynski
    Project Manager, Competition,
    Construction Industry Round Table
    Email:  jenni@cirt.org
    C: 630-200-2281

  • Tue, September 13, 2022 12:12 PM | Anonymous

    In the summer of 2022, the @ACEMentor Program of America placed more than 500 high school students in paid externships with architecture, construction, and engineering firms across the country as a part of the ACE Mentor Summer Workplace Experience (SWE) program.  READ MORE.

    During CIRT's upcoming Fall Conference, industry leaders Dan Johnson (CEO of Mortenson) and Mike Choutka (CEO of Hensel Phelps) will share their companies' experiences becoming "Transformative Partners" with the ACE Mentor Program of America to provide a pathway for students from high school to the AEC industry and ensuring that those students actually finish their secondary education.

  • Mon, August 15, 2022 8:53 AM | Anonymous

    The bloom is off the recent historic high optimism of an expanding economy and markets reflected in the CIRT Quarterly Sentiment Index from just a year ago.  The overall 3rdQ/2022 index level plummeted 35% in the last twelve months falling to only a 51.4 reading, barely above neutral (The index is on a scale of 0-100 with a reading of 50 being neutral).  Every index factor recorded a downward trend, which means both inflationary concerns AND economic slowdown worries are in play at the same time. 

    For details and in-depth analysis of some important current issues SEE CIRT 3rd/Q 2022 Sentiment Index Report.

  • Wed, April 06, 2022 4:59 PM | Anonymous

    Bucking the odds and another year of COVID19 induced challenges, disruptions, and school shutdowns, three entries for the 2022 CIRT National Design & Construction Competition have been announced. In its sixteenth year as a collaborative program with ACE Mentor Program of America, the competition attracted 28 entries from 15 Affiliates/Chapters. Again, this year three options or challenges were presented to the competing teams to consider: (1) Memorial for the Future; (2) Strong & Sustainable (use of concrete/cement); and (3) Urban Renewal.

    The difficult process to narrow the submissions to just three, called upon the preliminary judges to both consider the entries on their own AND also in comparison with the other submissions in each category. After being compared side-by-side, only three garnered the coveted right to go onto the final presentation stage to vie for the top prize of $5,000; are as follows:

    Worthy National Finalists

    • ACE Mentor Program of Southern Nevada/Las Vegas, Maverick Design Team for their Memorial of the Future entry
    • ACE Mentor Program of Northeast Florida, Creekside Senior National Team for their Strong + Sustainable entry
    • ACE Mentor Program of Houston, Violet Visionaries Team for their Urban Renewal entry

    Six other teams were recognized as either First Runner-Up ($1,000 prize) or Second Runner-Up ($500 prize) in each of the three different design challenges or options:
    First Runners-Up ($1,000 prize)

    • ACE Mentor Program of Milwaukee for their Memorial of the Future entry
    • ACE Mentor Program of Southern Nevada (Team 2) for their Strong + Sustainable entry
    • ACE Mentor Program of Polk County for their Urban Renewal entry

    Second Runners-Up ($500 prize) 

    • ACE Mentor Program of San Diego for their Memorial of the Future entry
    • ACE Mentor Program of Southern Nevada (Team Next Gen) for their Strong + Sustainable entry
    • ACE Mentor Program of West Michigan, Grand Rapids for their Urban Renewal entry

    CIRT is looking forward to a spirited and exciting NATIONAL PRESENTATION ROUND (among the three “Worthy Finalist” teams) during the CIRT Spring Conference at the Hyatt Regency, Tysons Corner, VA, on April 25, 2022. [NOTE: The presentation round will be streamed LIVE for viewing by interested parties, more details will be coming on this opportunity].

  • Mon, February 14, 2022 1:24 PM | Anonymous

    The prestigious leaders representing CIRT indicated that they remained bullish on both the design and construction aspects for the industry going into 2022.  Release of the latest Sentiment Index Report for the 1stQtr./2022 saw the measure fall only slightly from its historic highs to 73.2 for overall Construction; with the Design Index subset following suit, declining to 81.5.

    In addition to the Index itself, CIRT members were asked to respond to current issues questions focused on backlogs, capacity, hiring goals and the impact of the infrastructure package on business planning, and to identify top risks and/or concerns for 2022.  While also focusing on the importance of supply chain disruptions and how they affected the twin issues of delays and cancellations compared to more normal years of design and construction activity. Their responses make for fascinating reading.

    Read the full 1stQ 2022 Report here: Construction Industry Round Table (CIRT) - CIRT Sentiment Index

  • Fri, December 03, 2021 3:19 PM | Anonymous

    Join us on Wednesday, December 15th at 2 PM ET for the Coalition’s upcoming live webinar: “Managing Subcontractor Default, Bankruptcy, and Owner Insolvency in a Recovering Post COVID-19 Construction Economy (including vaccine mandates, etc.)

    The expert legal panelists will provide feedback on the following key takeaways: 

    ·        Best practices to prequalify your partners to minimize the risks 

    ·        Tell-tale signs of financial distress; and proactive steps you should take to mitigate this risk once it arises 

    ·        Insights reflected in newly revised ConsensusDocs performance, and payment bond forms provide innovative provisions you should consider incorporating. 

    As a current CIRT member, you will receive $20 off on your registration rate using the code COALITION79 upon checkout, reducing the price to $79.00.  

    You don’t want to miss the opportunity to best equip your company to navigate the obstacles set before you during this change in tide, such as the lingering effects of COVID-19, vaccine mandates, supply chain delays and disruptions, and the lack of necessary equipment, materials, and labor workforce and more. Register Today. 

  • Mon, October 18, 2021 3:24 PM | Anonymous

    The Inaugural Construction Inclusion Week is here: October 18 - 22, 2021 and more than one thousand contractors have united to promote inclusion in the construction industry. In November 2020, CIRT held its first session on DEI featuring Dr. Robert W. Livingston, author of The Conversation: How Seeking and Speaking the Truth about Racism Can Radically Transform Individuals and Organizations, as well as a panel of CEO leaders:  Mark Cain, President, Smoot Construction; Mike McKelvy, President & CEO, Gilbane Building Co.; Tom Reilly, Executive Vice President, Turner Construction; and Dan Johnson, President & CEO, Mortenson.  This was the genesis of the "Time for Change" Consortium and during CIRT's Spring Conference this past June, members of the Consortium participated in a second panel discussion addressing some of the challenges and solutions related to diversity and inclusion impacting the construction industry. You can watch the full panel discussion below. #ConstructionInclusionWeek #TimeForChange #CEOLeadership

  • Mon, September 27, 2021 3:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 2022 CIRT National Design and Construction Competition is now open! The Competition invites high school students in ACE Mentor Programs around the country to design, plan, and present comprehensive solutions to a complex, real world construction challenge. Submissions are due March 16, 2022, and are reviewed by a jury of industry professionals. The top three submissions will present their work to a jury to compete for the top prize of $5,000 (along with other awards). 

    The 2022 Challenges respond to the real-world challenges and opportunities of the professional design and construction industry: (1) Design a sustainable city to encourage Urban Renewal, (2) Design a memorial of the future to enable gathering, reflection and knowledge sharing, and (3) Design any structure while innovatively applying the sustainable and carbon neutral properties of cement. This year’s inspiration quote from Harriet Tubman encourages teams to think -and dream- big: “Every great dream begins with a dreamer.”

    Each year 50+ teams from across the country participate, building advanced skills and creating top-tier portfolio pieces for secondary education and professional experience. Students also gain fundamental soft skills – collaboration, creativity, self-regulation, communication – and an invaluable life experience, joining a growing network of ACE Mentor alumnus and competition participants.

    The Competition is now open through the submission deadline, March 16, 2022 (11:59pm). Online registration and the project submission portal will be activated in January 2022. The preliminary Jury Review is planned for mid-March, with the announcement of the three finalist teams on March 28, 2022. The “Worthy Finalists”* will present in Washington D.C. on April 25, 2022 to a jury of industry professionals (pending COVID safety guidelines), where the top prize will be announced. 

    All Competition information is available online at www.cirt.org/competition, including a downloadable PDF of the Competition Information Packet which holds more detailed competition rules.

    The CIRT National Design and Construction Competition celebrates the innovations and contributions the design/construction community makes to the quality of American life, while understanding the issues and challenges the industry faces to deliver on this legacy. The Competition is maintained, coordinated, and judged by Construction Industry Round Table. 

    *"Worthy Finalists" are named in honor and remembrance of Ed Worthy, who contributed to the success of the ACE Mentor Program for over 20 years.

  • Mon, September 20, 2021 3:31 PM | Anonymous

    Don't miss this inaugural podcast / interview with CIRT President Mark Casso and Jack Kalavritinos of JK Strategies talking key policy items impacting the design / construction industry.  This fast-paced program highlights both the long-term issues facing CIRT members, as well as focusing on three recent developments around: (a) PLAs, (b) Risk Allocation related to complex Design/Build-P-3 projects, and (c) Human Resource challenges.

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